
Thursday, 6 March 2014

Good friends

Friends can be anybody some people like in your class, people you're very close with and friends that look after you. Friends can be like Brothers or sisters, to u in the future. Some may not be the same cultures as you and some might be different colours to you, but it doesn't matter what skin colour or culture you are. Friends would always really make you laugh sometimes. And if they get hurt you would help them.
When you get hurt they’ll help u to. What i would say is friends are really cool and some do have a really good talent. It doesn't matter if it's boys or girls we still can have fun. To me friendship is really cool to me. What does it mean to you.
Next is sharing is caring. If your friend wants to go to rainbows end and you want to go Disney land you guys might start an argument and not be friends ever again. You should always go some where your friends wants to go it will be better. And if you feel sad then you can promise them that next time you can go to Disneyland. Sometimes friends can be really hard to be with and they can get a little bit too annoying.

Friend’s are so cool because we make each other laugh and they don't mock you. But sometimes they do as friends. It doesn't matter who’s faster, stronger, better, or smarter. like for an example if somebody player rugby league and the other friend played basketball would u say “ohh basketball sucks rugby league is way better”. No i wouldn't because rugby league and basketball are both cool but just different.

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