
Thursday, 6 March 2014

Butterfly Lifcycle

Once there was a There was a little small egg on the underside of a leaf that was safe so no predators can eat it. First you see coming out of the egg is  a 2 ml caterpillar. It comes out really slowly. Once it is out it will eat its egg so it can get a little bit bigger. Few days later it starts eating eating and eating till it gets big. When it grows bigger it sheds its skin off so they can get new skin that can fit them.

Then it starts to form its cocoon. Once its a pupa it get darker that how you know its coming out. It takes 1 week to hatch. Once it comes out it eats the pupa. While it eats the pupa it confirms in the blood for the wings to widen up. It takes three minutes for its wings to be nice, colorful, and big. Once its done eating the pupa it flies in the sunshine and makes more eggs.

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