
Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Future Aspiration

On May the 20th there were three people to come and see us, One was, Marcus The sandman Winter, Marcus winter is a professional sand artist, he can make pictures with sand on a beam of light, He is the best sand artist in the world, He told us a quote from a women that died last year, Her name was Maya Angelou. The quote from her that Marcus Winter liked was “ I Learned that People Will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, But people will never forget how you made them Feel”. He told us that she had A very bad life growing up, She had a bad family, And she was on of the most greatest author. After he said stuff about him, He taught Team 5 block some Bruno mars moves from the song Uptown Funk. And it was fun. Next we met was Louis Gordon-Latty From Glory League. He had a problem and his problem was, In basketball games you play good sometimes, and you want to see how good you played, But you never got to see your self, So Louis, and Glory league made an invention, Which was for recording every game his team and some other teams play, Just like NBA. And they have an ipad that can show who got points and hoops at what time which was cool, And louis showed him scoring points at what time which was awesome. Louis Gordon-Latty Loves basketball, He grew up playing Basketball. Now for the final person we have met before but is really cool, His name is Andrew Patterson, He is a person the collects people and connects them, So hes a person that Collects and Connect’s. He is a really good man, He bring some surprises to our school, He was the one that brang, Louis Gordon-Latty and Marcus The sandman Winter for us to meet them. He works at Radio Live. And that is him. That are the three people that came to our school, It was cool to meet them, and I hope to do it again.

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