
Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Capital Letters

Capitals are upper case letters, they are bigger than lower case letters. Some Upper case letter have different shapes from the lower case letters like “A” and “a”. 

 Do you know when to use a capital letter and how to use it? Well i know how to. Capital letters can be used for a start of a sentence or a start of a name. The size of a capital letter is the top line. To use capitals, you can use it for titles like Mcdonalds, movies, shops, companies, and school’s. There are lots of other titles to use with capitals. There has to be capital letters because it makes sentences or words tidy. 

 Dates are a name’s of Day’s, Year’s or Month’s. Days and months have to capital letter like for an example “It is November, Tuesday”. You can use capitals also for seasons, and celebrations. Like Labour day, and Merry Christmas. 

 Did you know that there is different ways to say “I”. Well your lucky. You can use I for pronouns and apostrophes. For an Example, I’m, I’ll, and I’ve. You have to put a capital for I when it is by itself. It makes I look better and more explanation. 

There a lots of words that you have to put in with capitals. It is annoying this, but guess what you’ve got to do, what you have to do. It helps you do better and make sentences tidy.

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